Welcome to Advanced Accelerator Applications (AAA) Grants Central Station

AAA develops innovative products to treat diseases, ease suffering, and enhance patient quality of life. AAA is committed to the advancement of these goals through education, advocacy, and outreach.


Support for independent accredited and nonaccredited medical education for health care professionals.

Grant and Sponsorship Request Process

NOTE: Starting October 1, 2020, the following types of funding opportunities must be submitted for consideration to the Novartis Grant Central Station application portal via ngcs.novartis.com :

  • Professional Medical Education Grant accredited grant requests
  • Non-CME grant requests
  • Requests to support an award
  • Requests to support a fellowship
  • Medical sponsorships which include corporate memberships and congress support

Should you have any questions regarding the submission process, please email [email protected].


Support for independent patient education and outreach in the patient community and general fundraising events.



The AAA Patient Advocacy department is committed to meeting the needs of patients by providing funding for activities that advance the objectives of nonprofit patient advocacy organizations. AAA ensures grant applications are received, handled, reviewed, and evaluated according to the highest standards and in full compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines. We encourage and support quality initiatives while ensuring consistency with the Office of Inspector General (OIG) guidelines. Consistent with Federal law and ethical standards under which AAA conducts business, grants must never be linked to prescribing, purchasing, formulary status, or reimbursement. Applications for educational grants and other funding requests can be submitted via the Grants, External studies and Managed access System (GEMS) online portal HERE. Approval of similar activities in previous years does not guarantee future approval. AAA will not:

  • Control development of content
  • Influence selection of presenters and/or moderators
  • Define needs or objectives for a program
  • Influence selection of persons “who will be in a position of control over the content”
  • Select methods or venue

Guidance on using the portal is available here: GEMS for Grants step-by-step user guide and GEMS process differences for Grants and Sponsorships

Minimum Eligibility Requirements:

501(c)3, 510(c)4, or 501(c)6 nonprofit organization

Areas of Interest Within AAA Patient Advocacy (including, but not limited to):

  • Neuroendocrine cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • General education for patients, families, and caregivers dealing with cancer

Patient Advocacy Accepts Funding Requests for:

  • Patient education
  • Sponsorship request types including:
    • Community outreach programs
    • Fundraising events (eg, galas, balls, walks, runs)
    • Dues/corporate memberships
    • Corporate citizenship

Grant Requests That Will Not Be Considered Include:

  • Grant requests not directly submitted by the 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), or 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization
  • Grants not within the therapeutic areas of interest to Patient Advocacy
  • Grants to individuals, physicians, or group practices
  • Retroactive support or requests for programs that are already in progress
  • Promotional exhibit or display space (please contact your local AAA Patient Advocacy representative regarding requests for exhibit fees)
  • Capital campaigns, building funds, or operating expenses (eg, salaries, benefits)
  • Personal travel
  • Service contracts
  • Requests that include activities such as smoking and/or gambling
  • Requests that include recreational activities (eg, spa, golf, resort activities)
  • Textbooks or equipment-related requests
  • Treatment-specific education
  • Requests in which speakers are allowed to bring a spouse or guest to any meal function
  • Grant recognition awards
  • Grant requests for meals only
  • Activities held in lavish venues/resort locations
  • Housing or travel for event/program attendees
  • Activities involving predominantly health care providers
  • Grant requests received fewer than 60 days prior to the activity start date may be denied. There may be a case-by-case review of such requests under certain circumstances

Components of a Complete Grant Request:

  • Request is submitted at least 60 calendar days prior to program start date
  • Request is in alignment with areas of interest to AAA Patient Advocacy
  • Clear goals of improvement to patient care
  • Needs assessment and outcome measures
  • Objectives are clearly defined and aligned with the needs assessment
  • Agenda is consistent with objectives
  • Budget is detailed, reasonable, and cost-effective

Required Documents for Submitting a Grant Request:

  • SIGNED W-9 Form
    • Request will not be reviewed until AAA receives signed W-9 from the year that the Grant is requested
    • If you do not have an electronic version of a W-9 with a signature, you may do the following: Print the W-9 and sign, scan, and upload to the GEMS online portal
  • Proposed outline/agenda
  • Detailed needs assessment and outcome measures
  • Detailed budget

Submissions, Resources, and Contact Information

For Patient Advocacy Grant requests, submit your request via the GEMS online portal HERE.

For questions and status requests, please login to the GEMS online portal HERE to track your request.


General Comments:

  • Please do not consider any grant request approved until you have received written documentation from AAA that your grant has been accepted for funding and all of the required paperwork, including signed original Letter of Agreement, is submitted and accepted by AAA. Thus, any expenses incurred prior to receiving written support of the program by AAA are taken at your own risk
  • Previous support by AAA does NOT guarantee future support. Each grant is evaluated on individual merit relative to other grant requests. If you have any questions, please contact us. Please do NOT contact your sales representative, regional scientific director, or marketing personnel regarding the status of a grant request
  • AAA will review each grant request in a timely manner. Your prompt response to requests for any additional information is critical to this process and appreciated. Approval can take 5 to 6 weeks depending on the complexity of the request
  • Many more requests are received than can be funded and we regret that we cannot accommodate every request. However, your request will receive a fair review if all documentation is submitted. In return, please take the time to consider how your program fits within the therapeutic areas of interest for AAA and the established regulations, laws, and guidelines before submitting a request

How soon can I submit a grant request?

For a grant request to be considered for funding, a complete grant application must be submitted to AAA at least 60 calendar days prior to the program start date. If the completed grant application is not received at least 60 calendar days prior to the event date, the grant request may be denied.

How soon will I receive a reply from AAA regarding disposition of my grant?

You will receive a status update from AAA Patient Advocacy when your complete grant application has been submitted and reviewed through the GEMS online portal.

Can I still submit a request for funding through the US Mail or through fax?

No, AAA will only accept requests through the GEMS online portal.

Will AAA contact me if they have questions regarding the funding request?

Yes, AAA will contact you through the GEMS online portal should clarification be required on your request.  Your prompt attention to these requests is appreciated to enable AAA to provide a response.

How can I find out the status of a grant that I submitted through the online system?

For status on grant requests already submitted online, please review your submission on the GEMS online portal site.

Will AAA pay for physicians to attend a major meeting to gather information to then be presented at a regional/local post major-meeting review?

No, AAA will not pay for travel, honoraria, or hotel for physicians attending major meetings to gather information for regional/local post major-meeting reviews.

Will AAA pay for attendees to attend meetings?

No, AAA will not pay for travel, lodging, meals, or registration for any health care professional to attend a meeting or event.

Will AAA consider free exhibit space as part of a grant request?

No, AAA will not consider exhibit space as part of a grant request. Exhibit space must be contracted through a separate “fee-for-service” contract. This separate request should be made by contacting your local AAA sales or marketing representative.

If the event has already taken place, will AAA still accept a grant request?

No, AAA will not consider funding for events that have already begun or taken place. This is also true of enduring materials for a program that has already taken place.

Do I need to submit a complete budget for all of the costs associated with my program?

Yes, please submit a budget for the costs associated with the entire program. Please provide a breakout for all individual costs in the overall budget.

Will AAA sign a Letter of Agreement other than a AAA agreement?

No. If the provider requires a separate Letter of Agreement to proceed with an activity, the AAA Letter of Agreement will predominate. AAA will not sign any other Letters of Agreement.

Will AAA consider other types of funding requests?

If your request is not a grant, you may submit a request for:

  • Sponsorships, funding of special events, or membership dues
    • These are payments to organizations in which AAA receives a tangible benefit in exchange for funding
    • Examples include:
      • Community outreach initiatives
      • Galas, balls, receptions, and dinners
      • Fundraising/awareness walks and runs
      • Symposia or roundtables
      • Membership dues
      • Policy initiatives

To request this type of funding, identify your event subtype:

  • Non-CME research conference
  • Awards (research, merit, travel, or career)
  • Fellowships
  • Professional membership dues
  • Patient Advocacy fundraising dinners/award ceremonies
  • Patient Advocacy walks, runs
  • Patient Advocacy symposia or roundtables
  • External Affairs policy initiatives
  • Community outreach initiatives

Identify therapeutic area:

  • Neuroendocrine cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • General education for patients, families, and caregivers dealing with cancer

Supporting documentation includes:

  • Letter of Request (on letterhead) that includes:
    • Requested amount
    • Program description/objectives
    • Event information
  • Sponsorship levels/benefits
  • W-9 issued during the current year
  • Any additional documentation relevant to support request

Requests That Will Not Be Considered:

  • Payments to entities that are not nonprofit organizations
  • Payments to individuals, physicians, or group practices
  • Payments to political parties or activities
  • Retroactive support or requests for programs that are already in progress

Components of a Complete Sponsorship/Special Event/Membership Dues Request:

  • Request is submitted at least 60 calendar days prior to program start date
  • Request is in alignment with areas of interest to AAA Patient Advocacy
  • Clear goals of improvement to patient care
  • Objectives are clearly defined
  • Agenda is consistent with objectives

General Comments:

  • Please do not consider any request for sponsorships/special events/membership dues approved until you have received written documentation from AAA that your submission has been accepted for funding and all of the required paperwork, including signed original Sponsorship Agreement (if applicable), is submitted and accepted by AAA. Thus, any expenses incurred prior to receiving written support of the program by AAA are taken at your own risk
  • Previous support by AAA does NOT guarantee future support. Each request for funding is evaluated on individual merit relative to other requests. If you have any questions, please contact us. Please do NOT contact your sales representative, regional scientific director, or marketing personnel regarding the status of a Patient Advocacy sponsorship/special event/membership dues request
  • AAA will review each sponsorship/special event/membership dues request in a timely manner. Your prompt response to requests for any additional information is critical to this process and appreciated. Approval can take 5 to 6 weeks depending on the complexity of the request
  • Many more requests are received than can be funded and we regret that we cannot accommodate every request. However, your request will receive a fair review if all documentation is submitted. In return, please take the time to consider how your program fits within the therapeutic areas of interest for AAA and the established regulations, laws, and guidelines before submitting a request
  • Donation requests not fitting within the previously described categories should be submitted to  [email protected]